Why investing is difficult?

blogIt’s been observe that people find investing as one of the difficult task. Either they end up depositing all their savings in fixed deposits, gold or they become the scape goat of ULIP (insurance).

Moving on to some quotes on the investing and financial markets that might change the perception of yours.  There isn’t right and wrong, there is two sides to the coin, but rich dad exists on only one side of the coin, the business and investor.

Yes, there is some risk involved with investing, and it can be scary. But if you don’t take control of your cash and moves forward you, well those are famous ones from Rich dad -Poor dad. Here are some more from my recent reads:

  • The game taught me the game. And it didn’t spare the rod while teaching. Jesse Liver more
  • And when my situation ain’t improving, I’ m trying to murder everything moving. Jay – Z
  • We know an equity fund industry that’s worth $2  trillion, and if everyone wants their $2 trillion back tomorrow, they are not going to get it. John Bogle
  • The only logical reason to play of active investing is that you place a high entertainment value on the effort. Larry Swedroe
  • When you realize that you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount. Sioux Indian proverb
  • I don’t know what we would be selling in the year 2000 but whatever it was we would be selling most of it. Ray krock founder of Mc Donalds.
  • The stockbroker services his clients in the same way that Bonnie and Clyde serviced banks. William Bernstien
  • It’s proprietary strategy. I can’t go in to it in great detail. Bernie Madoff Barron’s May 2001.
  • Everyone has a plan, til they get punched in the mouth – Mike Tyson
  • Well you know, I was a human being before I became a businessman. George Soros
  • I come back to you now at the turn of the tide. Gandalf, The lord of the Rings.
  • You must do something different from the majority. The time of maximum pessimism is the time to sell! Therefore the only way to find bargains is to buy what most people are selling. Profit is made by focusing on value not outlooks or trends. Sir John Templeton

The week start now 🙂 stay tuned


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